EPISODE 214: Ritchie Collins

Ritchie military uniform 2005.JPG

Ritchie Collins went missing in early 2019. The exact date of his disappearance is currently unknown. A neighbor reported seeing him at his home in Bellingham, WA but the exact date on that is fuzzy. However, he had not texted anyone since March of 2019. Ritchie has been described by those who knew him best as a loner, so it would not be uncommon for a few days or even weeks to go by without hearing from him. Ritchie’s family had been trying to get ahold of him for weeks but then on April 30th, Ritchie’s car was found parked at the Colonial Creek Campground at North Cascades National Park. The keys to his car were on top of the vehicle. According to a park ranger, the vehicle had been there for weeks. 

The park where Ritchie’s car was located is filled with trails that stretch for seemingly endless miles. So far, after extensive searches, no sign of Ritchie has been found. As they began looking closer at the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Ritchie Collins, they discovered numerous bizarre clues that don't add up to any one single conclusion.

If anyone has information regarding the whereabouts of Ritchie Collins, you are urged to contact Detective Ken Gates at 360-778-6613.

This episode was co-researched and written by Marissa Jones and Erika Gwynn. To find more of Erika's work, please check out her podcast at https://www.apexandabyss.com.

UPDATE- In July of 2021, remains were recovered that are believed to Ritchie Collins. Along with the remains, they found items belonging to Ritchie, several miles from where his car was found abandoned. Further testing on the remains are currently pending.

EPISODE 213: Serenity Dennard

Back in early 2019, 9-year-old Serenity Dennard had been living at the Black Hills Children's Home in Rockerville, South Dakota. She had been living at the home since July of 2018. Her adoptive parents had placed her there after her behavior became too difficult to manage along with their other children at home. Serenity was on track to complete a one-year residential program at the children’s home in July and return to her adoptive parents. However, on the morning of February 3, 2019, she ran away from the home while staff members were distracted. She was last spotted by an incoming visitor, standing at the cattle gate near the road. Severe winter weather came through later that day, and Serenity had on snow boots, but no coat. She has never been seen again.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Serenity Dennard, you are urged to call the Pennington County Sheriff’s Office at 605-394-6115. You can also call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-843-5678 or 1-800-THE-LOST.

You can follow Serenity's story on Facebook at: Serenity Alert System

For more information on psychologist, Dr. Taft, please visit his website or Facebook page.

EPISODE 212: Marcie Crane Peterson


On October 30, 2003, 28-year-old Marcie Crane and her husband were staying at a hotel in Marietta, Georgia. The two had been estranged but were trying to rekindle their relationship. While her husband was out running errands, Marcie disappeared. Before she left, she gave a housekeeper the key to the room and asked her to give it to her husband. That is the last time that anyone heard from Marcie. 

After her disappearance, several suspicious stories began to surface. A man who lent Marcie money had allegedly threatened her. Another man who she had previously dated and worked with for many years in the real estate business, he moved to another state and cut off contact with Marcie's family. Her family later learned that he had used a fake name all along. Her family was also wary of her husband because she hadn't known him that long and met him online. More than 16 years have passed since Marcie was last seen and her family feels like they are no closer to finding out the truth.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Marcie Crane, you are asked to call the Cobb County, Georgia Police Department at 770-499-3862.

You can follow Marcie’s story on social media at: Missing -Marcie Crane.