EPISODE 223: Acacia Bishop


On May 25, 2003, 18-month-old Acacia Bishop was kidnapped from her great-grandmother's home in Salt Lake City, Utah. Acacia’s grandmother took the toddler and ran while Acacia’s great-grandmother left the room to put her vacuum away. This was not the first time that Acacia was taken by her grandmother. This time, she took Acacia to Idaho where they spent the night in a motel. The following day, the pair was spotted by witnesses playing by the Snake River. That was the last known sighting of Acacia Bishop. Authorities believe that Acacia drowned in a botched murder/suicide attempt that day, while some of her family believes it was an elaborate ruse and that Acacia was given to another family to raise.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Acacia Bishop, please call Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office at 801-743-7000.

You can follow Acacia’s case on social media at Acacia Bishop Missing Child.

For more information on psychologist, Dr. Taft, please visit his website or Facebook page.

This episode was co-researched and written by Marissa Jones and Erika Gwynn. To find more of Erika's work, please check out her podcast at https://www.apexandabyss.com.

EPISODE 222: Marshal Iwaasa


On November 17, 2019, 26-year-old Marshal Iwaasa visited his mother in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. He helped her with some tech problems and then left late in the evening, despite his mother’s pleas for him to stay the night. He told her that he was headed back to Calgary, where he had been renting a room from a local family and attending school. However, Marshal didn’t go back to Calgary that night, and has not been seen or heard from since. A week later, Marshal's truck was found about 13 hours from where he was last seen. The truck was in a very remote area and completely burnt out.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Marshal Iwaasa, please call the Lethbridge Police Department at 403-328-4444. You may also call Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Additionally, you may leave a tip at p3tips.com

You can follow Marshal's case on social media at FIND MARSHAL IWAASA.

EPISODE 221: Kerry O'Brien Krueger

Kerry and Megan.png

On December 5, 1989, 31-year-old Kerry O’Brien Krueger allegedly told her husband that she had to catch a last-minute flight to Wyoming to attend a trade show for work after another coworker asked her to attend in their place. The plan was that she and a co-worker would travel from Burlington, Wisconsin to Chicago where they would take a flight to Wyoming.  Kerry’s husband, Tracey, told investigators that he remembers her kissing him goodbye at 4:30AM on December 6 and that she asked him to take care of their three-year old daughter, Megan, while she was gone. A neighbor reported that they saw black car parked outside of the home around that time. After Kerry disappeared, a bizarre series of events began to unfold and more than 30 years later, Kerry's case remains unsolved.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Kerry O’Brien Krueger, you are urged to contact Investigator Heather Spranger with the Racine County Sheriff’s Office at 262-636-3367 or the local Crimestoppers at 888-636-9330.