EPISODE 229: Jason Dies


In June of 1991, 20-year-old Jason Dies returned from Operation Desert Storm when the USS Horne docked in San Diego, California.  He was now on leave and had a month to report to a new duty station in Pensacola, Florida.  Jason never showed up, was classified as an unauthorized absentee and later a deserter.  Before Jason disappeared, he mailed some packages to his family back in Louisiana.  He phoned them and asked them not to open the packages.  Jason’s family respected his wishes. The mystery of what was in the packages and what happened to Jason loomed over his family for years.  What had he sent them?  Military secrets?  Was there some kind of conspiracy?  When Jason’s younger cousin grew up, she embarked on a journey to find him.  She opened the packages and started pressing for answers.  

If you have any information about the disappearance of Jason Dies, please call NCIS at 850-452-4211.  You can submit a tip online at https://www.ncis.navy.mil.

EPISODE 228: Christopher "Cole" Thomas

22-year-old Cole Thomas had taken a break from college to work a construction job and earn some money. During the fall of 2016, he traveled from his home in Florida to work on a job in Minnesota. Right before Thanksgiving, a couple of co-workers that he had recently met asked Cole to drive them to North Carolina, presumably to spend the holiday with their families. Cole agreed to drive them but what he didn’t realize was that the people he thought were his friends, weren’t friends at all and that he was headed straight into danger that would cost him his life.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Cole Thomas, you are asked to call the Benson Police Department at 919-894-2091.

You can follow Cole's story on Facebook at Find Cole Thomas.

EPISODE 227: Erin Gilbert

On July 1, 1995, 24-year-old Erin Gilbert traveled to a nearby fair in Girdwood, Alaska with a man she had recently met. Witnesses spotted Erin at the fair that day. According to her date, they had car trouble when they went to leave. He claims that he left Erin at the car and proceeded to walk around looking for a friend's house for two hours. He was unable to find his friend's house and returned to the fair but Erin was gone. He said he searched the fairgrounds and after no sign of Erin, called her sister, who also hadn’t seen her. It has been nearly 25 years since Erin was last seen and no trace of her has ever been found.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Erin Gilbert, you are asked to call the Alaska State Troopers at 907-428-7200.

You can follow Erin's story on Facebook at: Finding Erin Marie Gilbert.