EPISODE 265: Echo Lloyd


Echo Lloyd last spoke with her daughter, Kelsey, on May 9, 2020, the day before Mother’s Day. Kelsey stopped by Echo’s Edwards, Missouri home the next day to drop off flowers and a Mother’s Day card. Echo wasn’t there, and her car wasn’t in the driveway. Kelsey left the items outside for her mom when she returned home. Over the next several days, Kelsey kept trying to reach Echo, but her calls kept going straight to voicemail. Her concerns began to grow, and by the 15th, she made the trip back over to Echo’s home. Kelsey found the car was in the driveway, but there was no trace of Echo. While Kelsey was searching the house for Echo, she found Echo’s purse, her ID, and some money. Missing along with Echo was her cell phone, keys, and medications. Since that time, suspicions have focused on one person who lived near Echo’s home and had taken an unhealthy interest in her since she moved to Edwards.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Echo Llyod, you are urged to call the Missouri State Highway Patrol at (573) 526-6178.

You can follow developments in Echo’s case on Facebook at Bring Echo Home. They are currently offering a reward for information that will lead them to Echo.

EPISODE 264: Justin Hooiman

On the morning of November 20, 2017, 27-year-old Justin Hooiman disappeared from Salt Lake City, Utah. Justin left his residence around 6:00 am and headed to work. He called his mom along the way and asked her if they could have lunch together during his break later that day. They made plans, and then his mom assumed that Justin made it to work. She called him back again to figure out where he wanted to meet, but Justin didn’t answer, and he was never seen or heard from again.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Justin Hooiman, please contact the Salt Lake City Police Department at (801) 799-3000.

EPISODE 263: Nicholas "Nico" Johnson


On April 14, 2016, four-year-old Nicholas “Nico” Johnson was taken from his home. He wasn’t just taken from his home, but he was taken from his family and the country in which he had been born to an entirely different nation with a different language, customs, and culture. Nico’s story is an uncommon one, with complicated twists of family courts, international law, and diplomacy that often forget the child lost in the midst.

If you have any information about Nico Johnson, please contact the San Bernardino County, California, District Attorney’s office at 909-677-0591 or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST.