EPISODE 283: Harry Milligan


On Saturday, June 30, 1984, 21-year-old Harry Milligan finished his job painting a house and met some friends at a bar called Waterworks in Albia, Iowa. The bar was just over a ten-minute drive from his home in nearby Avery, Iowa. We don’t know for sure what transpired inside the bar that night. There have been stories that Harry won a large sum of money in a card game, but this can’t be substantiated. Harry’s friends reported that later they grabbed a six-pack to go and rode around cruising. The group returned to where they had parked their cars and went their separate ways. His friends said they saw Harry drive off in the direction of his home.

The following morning, Harry’s mom was worried that he hadn’t returned home. She began calling around, but no one had seen or heard from Harry. Later, after searching the roads between Albia and Avery, his mom called the police to report Harry missing. There have been many rumors about what happened to Harry, but more than 36 years later, they are still searching for Harry.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Harry Milligan, please contact the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office at 641-932-7815

You can follow developments in Harry’s case on social media at Harry Dennis Milligan :: Still Missing .

EPISODE 282: Kristofer Couture


On January 27, 2019, an off-duty law enforcement officer observed an abandoned car at a popular trailhead in Chilliwack, British Columbia. The vehicle had a broken rear window, and the police later impounded it, but no one ever came forward. Several months later, the RCMP sent a notice to its registered owner, 25-year-old Kristofer Couture, a native of Alberta. By that time, it was May, and no one had seen or heard from Kristofer in over three months. 

If you have any information about the disappearance of Kristofer Couture, please call the Chilliwack Royal Canadian Mounted Police at 604-792-4611. You may also call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Kristofer’s family is offering a reward of $10,000. You can follow Kristofer’s story on social media at Missing: Kristofer (Kris) Couture.

EPISODE 281: Kacey Perry Part 2


On September 14, 1990, 10-year-old Kacey Perry disappeared while visiting with her father at his home in Portland, Oregon, after the two had a disagreement. In Part 1, we learned that it’s believed Kacey made it to a store blocks away from her father’s home, possibly to make a phone call to ask someone to pick her up. Witnesses spotted her at this location, and her belongings were later found at the store. It remains unclear if Kacey was picked up by someone she knew or possibly went with a stranger. In the early days of the investigation, one person close to her mom stood out. His name is Brian Keith George. Nearly a year after Kacey disappeared, he was arrested for a bank robbery and had something shocking to tell investigators.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Kacey Perry, please call the Portland Police Bureau at 503-823-0000.