EPISODE 289: Case Continued- Angela Mack and Thomas "Mikey" Rettew - The Furnace

Last week, we brought you two new episodes on the incredible developments in the case of Angela Mack and Thomas “Mikey” Rettew. If you haven’t listened to the original episode or the first two updates, listen to those first, they will bring you up to speed. Today, we’re taking a look at another aspect of the developments in this case, the furnace that law enforcement alleges Clarence Krusen used to dispose of Angie and Mikey. Is this theory even possible?

EPISODE 288: Case Continued- Angela Mack and Thomas "Mikey" Rettew - The Dead Man

In early April, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office announced that they had solved and closed the 2002 disappearances of 20-year-old Angela Mack and her son, Thomas “Mikey” Rettew. Our last episode explored the dramatic turn of events in Angela and Mikey’s mysterious disappearances since we originally aired their story in March. Today, we’re continuing our dive into this incredible, still developing story. "The Dead Man" explores who Clarence Krusen was, his criminal history, and many attempts to adopt children from struggling parents.

EPISODE 287: Case Continued- Angela Mack and Thomas "Mikey" Rettew - House of Cards

Three months ago, we brought you the story of the disappearance of Angela Mack and her son Thomas "Mikey" Rettew from a small town in northwest Arkansas. No one knew who had seen Angela and Mikey last or under what circumstances. Our records requests with law enforcement were ignored, and our efforts to conduct an in-depth interview with the investigator were denied. Then, in a bizarre plot twist that seemed almost stranger than fiction, the investigating agency announced that the disappearances had been solved and the case closed almost exactly one month after we aired the original episode. But is the case closed and the mystery solved? We'll let you decide.