EPISODE 322: Stephen Millis Part 4 - The Darker Side of Hesperia

49-year-old Steve Millis disappeared from Hesperia, Michigan, on January 4, 2019. On the surface, it just seemed that Steve went to the store to buy some cat food and disappeared off of the face of the earth, but things weren't that simple. When investigators began looking into this, they were thrust into the dark underbelly of the drug world. They were trying to build a case, and each person was leading them to someone else. It felt like they were getting closer and closer to the truth, but each story was shaky. The storytellers were unreliable. They all seemed to be lying about something or had something to gain from pointing to the next person in line. Through it all, they did seem to be getting some consistent threads. Sometimes there is a bit of truth in every rumor.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Steve Millis, please contact the Newaygo County Sheriff's Office at (231) 689-7303.

EPISODE 321: Stephen Millis Part 3 - Family Ties

Last week, we brought you the first two installments of Steve Millis’ story. We explored Steve’s life, the night he disappeared, and several people who were rumored to be involved in his disappearance and had some sort of motive. In today’s episode, titled “Family Ties,” we are going to pick up where we left off with Teresa and how her stories tie back to some of Steve’s own family members. You see, there have been consistent stories about one person that you heard from in Part 1, one of the last known people to see Steve alive. 

If you have any information about the disappearance of Steve Millis, please contact the Newaygo County Sheriff's Office at (231) 689-7303.

EPISODE 320: Stephen Millis Part 2 - Motives

Yesterday, we brought you Part 1 of Steve Millis’ story. We explored how his family realized that he had disappeared, Steve’s life, and what we know about the evening he was last seen alive. Today, we will take a look at several people who were suspected of being involved in Steve’s disappearance. You will learn that everyone has secrets of their own, making it very difficult to tell who is hiding information about Steve and who is simply hiding their own secrets. Things become murky, and no one seems to be telling the whole truth about where they were and what they were doing when Steve Millis disappeared.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Steve Millis, please contact the Newaygo County Sheriff's Office at (231) 689-7303.