EPISODE 328: Shelton Sanders

25-year-old Shelton Sanders had everything going for him. He was about to graduate from the University of South Carolina in the coming months. Shelton had big career aspirations and the talent to match. At the time, Shelton lived with his family in Rembert, SC, and would make the 45-minute commute back and forth to school and work in Columbia each day. On June 19th, 2001, Shelton left home to attend classes and work his part-time job at the university. After work, Shelton and a friend were looking at hotels for a friend’s upcoming bachelor party. Shelton was supposed to be the best man at the wedding. The two went to three different hotels, and the friend said that Shelton dropped him off at his home and then left to drive back home to Rembert. After that, it was like Shelton and the vehicle he was driving vanished into thin air. By the following day, Shelton’s family was alarmed when they realized he hadn’t made it home. This was not like Shelton. Concerns quickly turned to the possibility of an accident during Shelton’s commute home late at night. But nearly two years later, after discovering the car Shelton was driving, this case took a completely different turn.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Shelton Sanders, please contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at (803) 576-3000 or the Shelton Sanders information hotline at (803) 427-4209. There is currently a $25,000 reward being offered.

EPISODE 327: Lonene Rogers

29-year-old Lonene Rogers, or Lonnie, spent January 6, 1981, working as a maid at a hotel. Afterward, she stopped by the babysitter's house to pick up her two young children. Lonnie made it back to her house in Hayfield Township, Pennsylvania. That evening, Lonnie's husband claims that the two had argued. His story was that he last saw Lonnie around 12:45 AM when he went to bed. He awoke in the early morning hours of January 7 to find that Lonnie was gone. Missing along with Lonnie was her coat, jeans, and boots. Other essential items were left behind at the house, including her car, keys, and purse. But this wasn't a night that someone would choose to walk away from their home or take a casual stroll around the neighborhood. It was freezing cold, and a storm blanketed the area with snow. What could have happened to Lonnie? Lonnie is still missing more than 40 years later, and her case remains unsolved.

Any persons with information regarding Lonnie's disappearance are urged to call Pennsylvania State Police at (814)-332-6911, TTY/TDD (814)-724-2985, or anonymously contact the Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers at 1-800-4PA-TIPS (8477) or online at https://www.p3tips.com/tipform.aspx?ID=107.

EPISODE 326: Steven "Keith" Roberson

26-year-old Keith Roberson worked as an oil field flowback supervisor outside Ozona, Texas. In early September 2018, Keith Roberson's mother received a phone call she wasn't expecting. Keith had not shown up for work, which was out of character. Keith's mom made her way to Ozona to begin searching for her son. She learned that on the evening of September 5, Keith had been driving eastbound on Interstate 10, a long stretch of highway that crosses the entire continental United States. Keith was in a vast, desolate area in between many tiny Texas towns, nearest the city of Sonora, when his car crossed the median to the westbound side, struck an oncoming vehicle, and ended up off the westbound side of the road. But when police arrived, Keith wasn't in his vehicle. No one has seen or heard from Keith since.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Steven "Keith" Roberson, please contact the Texas Department of Public Safety. You can reach them online at iwatchtx.org or call them at 1-844-643-2251. Keith's mother, Sharmon, is offering a $15,000 reward to anyone who can find Keith.