EPISODE 346: William Jamison Part 3 - Sliding Down the Back of the Mountain

Last week, we brought you the first two installments of Bill Jamison’s story. In Part 1, we discussed what occurred the night that Bill disappeared and the initial investigation into his disappearance. In Part 2, we went over all the strange things with Bill’s job and the people connected to his job who may have had a motive to harm Bill. Today, we will take a look at some other aspects of this case and discuss all the different theories that have emerged over the years.

If you have any information about the disappearance of William Jamison, please contact the Roselle Park Police Department at (908) 245-2300 or the New Jersey State Police Missing Persons Unit at (609) 882-2000. 

EPISODE 345: William Jamison Part 2 - The Cost of Doing Business

In the early morning hours of March 27, 1981, Bill Jamison disappeared after a night out at a bar and stopping for a quick bite to eat at a diner. When Bill left the restaurant, it was a clear night in the mid to low the 40s. But something happened to Bill after he left the diner. The waitress who served Bill didn’t notice anything was wrong. Bill ordered the same thing he always got during his late-night stops. Bill finished his meal, walked out into the night, and disappeared forever. Yesterday, you learned about Bill’s disappearance and the efforts to find him early on. His family didn’t feel like they were getting enough help from law enforcement, so they started their own search, sometimes using unconventional methods like psychics. They met with law enforcement, begging them to do more. Over the years, family members sent letters to just about anyone they thought might listen or have resources that could aid their search efforts. Forty-one years later, Bill’s disappearance remains just as much of a mystery as in 1981. Today, we will look at some things happening at Bill’s work during the lead-up to his disappearance because a lot was going on. His family has always wondered if that could have something to do with what happened to Bill. 

If you have any information about the disappearance of William Jamison, please contact the Roselle Park Police Department at (908) 245-2300 or the New Jersey State Police Missing Persons Unit at (609) 882-2000.

EPISODE 344: William Jamison Part 1 - The Drive Home

March 26, 1981, was just an ordinary day for 33-year-old William Jamison. He went to work at Haug Die Casting Company in Kenilworth, NJ, where he was the vice president of production. After work, Bill went to a restaurant for dinner. Bill’s next stop was the Chez Lounge inside Linden Lanes Bowling Alley in Linden, NJ. After spending several hours enjoying drinks and good conversation with friends and acquaintances, Bill left and stopped at the St. George Diner in Linden for a quick late-night meal. He arrived around 1 AM and left about 30 minutes later. That’s the last time that anyone ever saw Bill Jamison. It was like he had vanished into the night. Bill’s coworkers were immediately concerned when he didn’t show up at 8 AM as he usually did. One coworker went over to Bill’s apartment, but Bill wasn’t there. They decided it was time to contact Bill’s sister, Katie. Katie jumped into action. She contacted law enforcement and began calling all the hospitals in the area. More than 41 years later, Bill’s family is still looking for answers. This is a mysterious story that goes in many unexpected directions, from sightings of Bill several states away to the theory that this was a mob hit.

If you have any information about the disappearance of William Jamison, please contact the Roselle Park Police Department at (908) 245-2300 or the New Jersey State Police Missing Persons Unit at (609) 882-2000.