EPISODE 356: Cynthia Constantine

On July 11, 1969, 15-year-old Cynthia Constantine took her dog for a walk as she did every afternoon in the family’s hometown of Oakdale, New York. Cynthia loved walking along the railroad tracks alongside a busy highway and often explored the area with her brother. On this day, Cynthia walked with her dog alone, picking up cattails along the way. Cynthia had planned to go check out a muskrat burrow she spotted earlier in the day while with her brother. But Cynthia never returned home, and when the family dog came home without her, the family immediately knew something was wrong. Backtracking her steps, Cynthia’s mother and brother found a pile of cattails that Cynthia had likely collected and dropped. This is the spot where Cynthia is believed to have vanished from more than 53 years ago and has never been seen or heard from again.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Cynthia Constantine, please call the Suffolk County Police Department at 631-852-6110.

EPISODE 355: Madeline Babcock

It was during the summer of 1968 that a 35-year-old woman named Madeline Babcock disappeared from Venice, California. Madeline’s apartment appeared to have been cleared out. Her family reported her missing, but the police didn’t seem interested. Madeline had a right to move and not tell her family. She had the right to disappear if she wanted to. Around this same time, a little girl in Washington believed she witnessed her father and his friend murder a woman. These two stories would move parallel through time over a period of decades before eventually converging once that little girl grew up and started looking for answers to the memory that had plagued her for years.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Madeline Babcock, please contact the Los Angeles Police Department’s Adult Missing Persons Unit at (877) 275-5273 or the Vancouver Police Department at (360) 693-3111.

Letters from Madeline

Letters from Madeline

EPISODE 354: George James

22-year-old George James was last seen by his family on November 23, 1998. He argued with his mother at her Millbrook, Alabama, home and stormed off. Something seemed to be weighing heavily on George, like he needed to escape some sort of danger. George’s mother, Tillis, was confused by this interaction but never imagined this would be the last time she would ever see her son. As the days passed with no word from George, Tillis reported him missing. And since that day, she has never stopped searching for her son. 

If you have any information about the disappearance of George James, please contact the Montgomery Police Department at 334-625-2532.