EPISODE 383: Adam Baird

On March 31, 2019, in the far northern part of Tennessee, 33-year-old Adam Baird was seen for the last time in rural Campbell County. He had been behaving oddly that day and for several days prior. His family didn’t know what was happening, but they had a couple of clues. Adam wanted to reconnect with his wife, despite their separation several months prior, and he wanted to regain custody of their children, but he was struggling. No one knew how severe his struggles were until he was gone. There was no way for his family to know that when they saw him take off in his mom’s car headed to an unknown destination, they’d never see him again. 

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Adam Baird, please call the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office Tipline at 423-566-3784.

EPISODE 382: Madeline Tomlin

In May of 2015, 24-year-old Madeline Tomlin disappeared from Hope, Arkansas, just about a month shy of her 25th birthday. Madeline had two young sons, but she had hit a rough patch in her life, and her sons were being cared for primarily by family members. However, Madeline stayed involved in their lives and always checked in. So, when her grandparents stopped hearing from her, they knew something was wrong and decided to report Madeline missing. They hoped that Madeline would turn up, but the days turned to weeks, and the weeks turned into months with no word from Madeline. Nearly eight years later, Madeline is still missing, and her sisters are hoping that someone listening will come forward with answers.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Madeline Tomlin, please contact the Hope Police Department at (870) 777-3434.

EPISODE 381: Ginger Hudson

On the afternoon of August 19, 1993, 33-year-old Ginger May Hudson was outside her home in Pittsburg, Kansas enjoying a soak in the tub in her yard after work. She was seen by a city employee with some newspapers reporting that the witness was also a neighbor, and that’s why he recognized Ginger. The witness reported seeing her around 3:30 PM. Several hours later, her boyfriend returned home, and Ginger was not there, but all of her personal belongings were left behind. He would later tell police that he didn’t call them until nearly midnight because he had been busy searching on his own and calling friends and relatives to see if they were with Ginger, but Ginger has never been seen or heard from again.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Ginger Hudson, please call the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office at 620-724-8274.