EPISODE 256: Jennifer Fay

On the evening of November 14, 1989, 16-year-old Jennifer Fay left her home in Brockton, Massachusetts, to hang out with some friends. Jennifer was supposed to babysit her siblings that evening, but she wanted to go to a party instead. Jennifer asked her cousin to come over and babysit for her. Jennifer's cousin saw her leave the residence for the last time around 10 PM. There were several sightings of Jennifer that night, but no one is sure where Jennifer went or who she may have been with. Jennifer's family has been searching for answers for 31 years, but all of the leads have gone cold.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Jennifer Fay, please call the Brockton Police Department at 508-941-0200.

EPISODE 255: Carolyn Riggins

On the evening of July 11, 2020, Carolyn Riggins left her apartment in Fort Worth, Texas, to go to her favorite bingo hall down the street. She played bingo that night, and other players reported that Carolyn won several hundred dollars. Carolyn then went to a nearby convenience store, made a few small purchases, and left. Several hours later, not long after midnight, her vehicle’s license plate was caught on camera headed north toward Oklahoma. Carolyn hasn’t been seen since she was at the convenience store, and it is unknown if she was the person driving the car when it was recorded on surveillance footage. 

You may also choose to keep up to date with developments in this story by visiting the family’s social media page for Carolyn at: https://www.facebook.com/findingCarolyn/

If you have any information about Carolyn Riggins, please call the Fort Worth Police Department at 817-392-4222. You may also contact Crimestoppers at 817-469-8477.

EPISODE 254: Roger Taylor

On March 10, 2019, Roger Taylor disappeared. He was at his home in Vernon, Alabama, and according to his wife, he began acting out of character. For several years, Roger had been disabled after a stroke and several other serious health problems. He wasn't known to leave home often or drive due to his limited mobility. His wife said that he left that day in their car headed across the state line into Monroe County, Mississippi. He was allegedly headed to his daughter's home. Roger texted his daughter at 9:44 PM, stating that he was lost and stuck. A couple of days after Roger disappeared, his car was found abandoned on a dead-end road in Monroe County, Mississippi. Despite extensive searches of the area, no trace of Roger Taylor has been found. Since the day Roger disappeared, suspicion swirled around those who last saw him and their stories about what occurred leading up to his disappearance.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Roger Taylor, please call the Monroe County Sheriff's Department at 662-369-2468.

UPDATE: On August 30, 2022 a Mississippi minister named James Eric Crisp went to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office in Aberdeen, Mississippi and confessed to having killed Roger. This man was mentioned in our reporting as Eric. He told law enforcement that there had been a physical altercation and he killed Roger. He told authorities that Roger’s body had been left about 10 miles west of where Roger disappeared, although his remains have not yet been located and the criminal case remains ongoing.