EPISODE 292: Ian Eckles Part 1 - The Hunting Trip

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41-year-old Ian Eckles spent the majority of his free time outdoors and loved to hunt. So when he and a friend made plans to spend a weekend hunting in the mountains near Liberty, Washington, nothing was out of the ordinary. However, when Ian’s friend got to the spot where they agreed to meet up in a national forest, Ian wasn’t there. In fact, there was no sign of Ian, his car, or any of his camping equipment. For more than a year, Ian’s family, friends, and law enforcement have been looking for Ian. They haven’t found him yet, but what they have uncovered is bigger than anyone could have ever anticipated.

EPISODE 291: Case Update - Eric Pracht


In June of 2019, we brought you the story of Eric Pracht, a 25-year-old man missing from Lakewood, Colorado, since July 23, 2016. Eric and his fiancé had hosted a small gathering at their condo. As the party was winding down and most of the guests had left, there was a disagreement. According to those present, Eric took a walk to cool off and never returned. On April 23, 2020, a hiker located human remains that were positively identified as Eric. Eric’s father, Randy Pracht, spoke with us recently for this update episode.

EPISODE 290: Case Continued- Angela Mack and Thomas "Mikey" Rettew - Reasonable Doubt

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Over the last two weeks, we’ve continued to tell you the story of the disappearances of Angela Mack and her son, Mikey. Yesterday, you heard an expert fire investigator discuss the plausibility of the theory that Angie and Mikey were burned in Clarence Krusen’s home furnace. Was it possible that their bodies were completely destroyed, leaving no physical evidence to be recovered? Today we’re bringing you the final episode in this series. We’re going to take a look at all of the other characters and moving parts in this story. In the end, we’ll leave you with a question: did Clarence Krusen kill Angela and Mikey and burn their bodies as investigators say he did? Or is there a possibility something else happened, that there is truth in many of the persistent rumors in Salem, Arkansas? Could this case has an entirely different ending and remains anything but solved?