EPISODE 386: Olivia Fowler

26-year-old Olivia Fowler had spent the evening of August 12, 2021, at her boyfriend’s home in Manchester, GA. He said he last saw Olivia that night when he went to bed. Her boyfriend reported that she said she was going to go smoke a cigarette on the porch. The boyfriend says that Olivia was gone by the time he awoke the following morning. There were other sightings of Olivia after her boyfriend went to bed that evening. Witnesses reported seeing Olivia walking near her boyfriend’s home on the morning of August 13. It is believed that Olivia left her boyfriend’s house around 8 am, and she was seen by a passerby walking around 8:30 am. The final sighting of Olivia was by a DNR officer around 10:30 am on Pebblebrook Road. Olivia was walking and didn’t appear to be in distress. After that, Olivia vanished, and very few clues were left behind.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Olivia Fowler, please contact your nearest FBI office or call (770) 216-3000.

UPDATE: In August of 2023, law enforcement announced that the remains that were mentioned in our episode were identified as Olivia Fowler.

EPISODE 385: Calvin "Isaac" Ferris Danian

On September 7, 2020, 20-year-old Isaac Danian left his family’s home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on a flight headed for Hawaii. His family would later share that Isaac had not been his usual self for quite some time, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic had shut down the nation in March of 2020, six months prior. Isaac had the entire world in his hands and his whole life in front of him, but while his parents were out of town for Labor Day weekend, he decided to set sail on uncharted territory. Isaac was a young man raised in a home full of love and support. Why Isaac left is complicated, and there are many questions that we don’t have the answers to. To complicate things further, another young man also made the trip to Hawaii and vanished along with Isaac. This story spans from New York to Hawaii and then around the Pacific ocean to two tiny remote French islands. Just how far-reaching is this case, and what mysteries have we unraveled? Well, that’s what we’re going to share with you today.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Isaac Danian, please call the Kent County Office at 616-632-6246.

EPISODE 384: Willard Bennett

73-year-old Willard Bennett had spent most of his life living in the Pacific Northwest. As he got older, he became a snowbird. He would travel south to Arizona in his camper-style van during the winter months, and return to Washington for the warmer ones. This was a lifestyle that Will seemed to enjoy, and it became a yearly routine for him to trek to the desert. In November of 2013, he stopped by his daughter’s home in Washington to let her know he was headed out. They made plans to keep in touch weekly via phone, and then Willard left. However, Victoria stopped hearing from her father. Her calls went unanswered. Victoria was able to check Will’s bank account and saw that he hadn’t used his debit card in weeks, which was very out of character for him. That was when Willard Bennett’s family knew they needed to report him missing. Months later, Will’s van surfaced, but there was no trace of Will. Nearly ten years later, this case has gone cold with few clues to go on, but his family is still seeking answers.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Willard Bennett, please contact the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department at 858-565-5200.